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In order to optimize a Google Ads campaign, the user must first analyze the various elements that play a role in generating quality traffic at a reduced cost to their clients. When creating a Display campaign in Google AdWords, the user is prompted to select a “campaign goal” and a “bid strategy”.


These features are designed to guide users during the campaign development process through suggestions of settings that best align with what you consider a “successful” campaign.


While Google Ads thoroughly explains the purpose of each option, they do not disclose the algorithm to achieve a lowered avg. CPC or lowered avg. vCPM. This makes it nearly impossible for users with beginner/intermediate level experience to accurately budget or forecast traffic results.



The objective of this case study was to identify an optimal Display Network strategy to effectively lower avg. CPC by experimenting and directly comparing (A/B testing) a multitude of campaign development settings. Avg. CPC was our most important metric because our primary objective was to drive clicks, users, conversions (as opposed to impressions, views, engagements).


  1. To what degree do campaign goals & bid strategies directly influence Avg. CPC?

  2. What is the most cost-effective combination of the (6) campaign goals & (3) bid strategies?

  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each unique campaign goal & bid strategy combination?

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